"Why I Left America for Africa: What They Don't Tell You About Living in Africa"

I've been working for a globetrotting Ghanian homey named Kojo Enoch for a couple of years now.  He's an internet-based entrepreneur who has embarked on a number of projects, including a YouTube channel called Explore With Kojo.  I recently began assisting him in terms of creating content for that initiative.  And I wanted to use this post as an opportunity to share a short interview video from his channel that I recently starred in, since it in large part encapsulates the mission of GHexpat.

That video is titled "Why I Left America for Africa: What They Don't Tell You About Living in Africa".  The interview questions were provided by Kojo himself.  I don't want to go into too much detail but rather encourage readers to check out the clip themselves.  What I will say is that it offers some practical advice - based on my hard-earned experiences - for expatriates and others who may be considering an extended stay in Africa:

Also, especially if you're someone who's interested in travel, I urge you to subscribe to Explore With Kojo, as it features many interesting videos from Enoch and his collaborator's experiences in Asia, Europe and in between.  Moreover, by the looks of things I'll be regularly contributing content to the channel, from here in Ghana, into the future.